Current Investments
Our dedicated team fixes problems quickly and efficiently by proactively monitoring and maintaining your network.
We strive to be more than just another one of your vendors, so treat us like one of the team! We immerse ourselves in your business, learning how you work and what is important to you. A dedicated engineer, who gets to know your IT system inside and out, is assigned to support your operation.
DTS IT Services can provide advice to your existing in-house IT department, or take the reins of your entire IT system, remotely. By being from outside your organisation, we can take a big-picture approach. By working closely with you, we can provide personalized service, onsite or remotely, to address issues and recommend the solutions that meet your needs.
We can help you make sense of your IT with our:
Over 10 years’ experience in managing critical technology
Dedicated, virtual IT manager to harmonize your devices and network
Outsider perspective of your IT ecosystem
Tailored customer service and technical support
Comprehensive training for you and your team

Let's talk about your IT support requirements
Contact Us

DTS IT Services Inc.
Our Location:
7681 Highway 27, Unit 14
Woodbridge, ON, L4L 4M5